Having life insurance in place will make a huge difference to your loved ones. Insurance Risk Advisory Group can help you find the right coverage.
Why Life Insurance Matters
Life insurance is something that millions of Americans continue to ignore. In fact, over 45% of the population does not have any coverage while many more only have inadequate policies in place. It can be particularly easy to dismiss the need for it if you are under 50. In reality, it’s never too early to take out the right protection.
Types of Life Insurance
- Term Life – Provides coverage for a certain period or a specified “term” of years. If the insured dies during the time specified in a term policy and the policy is active, a death benefit will be paid.
- Living Benefits – Insurance you don’t need to “die” to use. You can cash in a portion of your policy’s face value with a triggering event: chronic illness, critical illness, critical injury, and terminal illness.
- Permanent Life – Life insurance that you won’t outlive and accumulates a non-taxable cash value.
- Collateral Assignment – Life insurance required to support the financial obligation when acquiring an SBA or commercial loan.
- Buy/Sell Business Succession Planning – Life insurance that pays your partners’ family in the event of death or in capacitation. In order to “buy out” the family so your partner can continue the business solely.
Contact one of our agents today to determine what type of coverage fits your needs. Call 727-314-1211.